Behavioral, emotional, mental, and psychological health issues in children affect children’s mental health and well-being. These health issues can cause long-term problems and also affect families and communities. To address these issues psychotherapy is the best approach. Psychotherapy is a type of psychological or psychiatric treatment based on interactions (talking) between the child or his family and a therapist). Both the child and his or her family get help through psychotherapy in resolving their problems, modifying their behaviors and making positive changes in their lives.
A psychotherapist is a specially trained professional who uses different methods, techniques, approaches and interventions to address the mental issues of a child. In some cases, an expert psychotherapist uses a combination of therapeutic approaches to address the concerns. In other cases, the expert uses a combination of techniques and medicines to resolve the problems of a child.
Psychotherapy: Therapists use a wide range of methods and techniques to help children overcome mental health issues, emotional and behavioral difficulties. The objective of psychotherapy is to bring change in a child’s emotions, feelings, and behaviors. Psychotherapists employ different types of psychotherapy, but they mostly rely on communication. Depending on the needs of the therapy, psychotherapists may involve a child, a group of children, a family, or multiple families. They make children play, draw, build, and talk to each other and share their feelings and emotions.
At Foster CDC, our experienced and qualified child psychotherapist (mental health professional) assesses the child and determines the need for psychotherapy. The expert makes a decision based on the child’s symptoms, existing problems, medical history, mental health, developmental stage, and so on. Our expert will also see whether the child will be able to cooperate with the treatment and also decide which interventions will be most likely to help deal with the child’s problems.
Doctors recommend psychotherapy along with other treatment approaches involving medications, behavioral management, and monitoring at school and home. In any case, building a relationship and rapport between the therapist and the child is very crucial. The reason – the child should feel comfortable, safe, and cared for. The creation of a trustworthy, caring, compassionate, and empathetic environment is very important for the child to express his feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
Both children and adolescents benefit from psychotherapy in a number of ways. During the regular sessions of psychotherapy, children receive emotional support from the psychotherapist. Children become well aware of their feelings and problems and also learn how to resolve their problems and conflicts with people and try to get solutions to their old issues. Expert psychotherapists set goals for addressing both general health issues – such as anxiety, ADHD, low self-esteem and specific issues such as behavioral problems. The duration of psychotherapy depends on the severity and complexity of the problems.
Special School for Kids with vocational courses & therapies coming soon...